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selling stock music online

FREE EBOOK: The 7 Steps to Stock Music Success

Learn how to make money selling stock music

Are You looking to turn your music into a income stream?

I specialize in helping musicians and composers like you unlock the secrets to earning money by selling stock music online.

With my comprehensive course and personalized coaching

I’ll guide you through every step of the process, from creating high-quality tracks to effectively uploading them to various stock music libraries.

Ready to enroll?

special offer! From $297 now only $97

If you want to be successful selling your music on royalty free libraries, then I really recommend this amazing course. You learn how to get your music into a library, how to prepare your tracks with metadata and most importantly, where to upload your music to generate sales and making a living with stock music.
Frank Schlimbach
Composer (Germany)
I was having trouble with mastering my tracks. The info on the web was overwhelming–so much complexity and various techniques. Using all this it was taking me hours to master. So I went straight to the mastering section of the course. What a breath of fresh air! Daniel removed all the complexity. Now my mastering is quick and perfect for my Stock Music tracks.
Rick Butz
El curso de Daniel Carrizalez me ha sido de gran ayuda, como músico quería introducirme al mundo de la música de librería, pero no sabía por dónde empezar debido a la cantidad de librerías que hay y el proceso diferente que tiene cada una. Con este curso aprendí a entender bien cómo funciona este mundo, sus tiempos y sus pro y contras. Lo recomiendo 100% para todo aquel que esté interesado en subir música a este tipo de plataformas
Angel Madero
Stock Music Licensing: the ultimate guide to stock music licensing success
only $9.99

Getting Rejections?

Get a detailed video response (via email) with personalized feedback on your music track and improve in the areas you need help with.
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